Dulwich College
Dulwich College has a social mission, set out in its charter and embodied its commitment to the provision of bursaries. In 2023/24 214 means-tested bursaries were awarded, of which 167 were worth 75% or more of the standard school fees. The income distribution of the Estate is used exclusively for bursaries and has funded 111 College bursaries this year.
The College focuses on deep bursaries for boys for whom its education would be a life-transforming opportunity. It also recognises the challenge for families for whom an independent education is just beyond their reach and therefore it offers a number of bursaries of smaller amounts.
The College ethos is that it is strongest when it is diverse in social mix, breadth of talents, character and backgrounds. Promoting open access by significantly increasing the ability to offer a Dulwich College education to boys whose families do not have the financial means, is core to its ambition, benefiting the community in and beyond Dulwich.

Dulwich College warmly welcomes applications from parents and guardians with academically strong boys who need full or partial financial support to send their son to Dulwich College. For more information go to www.dulwich.org.uk/admissions/bursaries-free-and-subsidised-places
For information about supporting bursaries: www.dulwich.org.uk/support-us/bursaries.