Acacia Grove, 8
Species and Location of Trees
Tree ID 4701. A Cotoneaster tree approximately 3m in height, situated in the rear garden.
Tree ID 4702. A Japanese Maple tree approximately 4m in height, situated in the rear garden.
Description of Approved Works
Tree ID 4701. Reduce by 30cm back to closest growth point (20% linear reduction).
Tree ID 4702. Sectional dismantle and either treat with systemic poison or stump removal at residents decision.
Details of Replacement Required
As a condition of the removal of Tree ID 4702 above, a replacement tree is to be planted in a nearby location of the rear garden and below are the three alternative species for consideration:
Magnolia Kobus (Northern Japanese Magnolia)
Liquidambar styraciflua (Sweet Gum)
Lagerstroemia indica (Crape myrtle)
The replacement tree is due to planted by March 2026.
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