Alleyn Road, 61


Species and Location of Trees

T1.          Four Cypress trees approximately 12m in height, situated on the bottom boundary of the rear garden, adjoining the garden of 15 Alleyn Park.

T2.          A False Acacia tree approximately 10m in height, situated close to the house on the right-hand side b0undary of the rear garden.

T3.          A Cypress tree approximately 10m in height, situated next to (T2) above.  The tree is badly sited.

Description of Approved Works

T1.          Remove and the roots grubbed out.

T2.          Re-shape as necessary to form a more compact specimen.  The height and basic shape should be retained.

T3.          Fell at ground level.

Details of Replacement Required

As a condition of the removals of the above, a replacement hedge will be planted along the new boundary with 15 Alleyn Park.  

Prunus lusitanica              (Portugal Laurel)

Taxus baccata                    (Yew)

Ligustrum vulgare            (Privet)



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