Alleyn Road, 7


Species and Location of Trees

Tree ID 4775      A Bay tree approximately 5m in height, situated in the rear garden.

Tree ID 4776      A Magnolia tree approximately 5m in height, situated in the front garden.

Description of Approved Works

Tree ID 4775      Reduce in height by up to 2.5m back to closest growth point.  Sides to be reduced to create sphere shape based on reduced height.

Perpetual Licence to retain at reduced size.  To be reviewed every 6 years.

Tree ID 4776      Reduce back to previous reduction point (approximately 2m reduction in height and 1m on sides over 7 Alleyn Road).  Not to be reduced over 5 Alleyn Road.

Perpetual Licence to maintain at this reduced height, to be reviewed every 6 years.



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