Burbage Road, 118
Species and Location of Trees
Tree ID 4854 A Sweet Chestnut tree approximately 15m in height, situated in the front garden.
Tree ID 4855 A Lawson Cypress tree approximately 18m in height, situated in the front garden.
Tree ID 4856 An Ash tree approximately 16m in height, situated in the rear garden.
Tree ID 4857 A Yew tree approximately 9m in height, situated in the rear garden.
Tree ID 4858 A False Acacia tree approximately 10m in height, situated in the rear garden.
Tree ID 4859 A Yew tree approximately 12m in height, situated in the front garden (boundary with Turney Road).
Description of Approved Works
Tree ID 4854 Dead wood should be removed throughout the crown. No other works required. NOTE - Large pile of soil waste is encroaching into the root plate area and should be re-positioned further away as soon as possible.
Tree ID 4855 To be retained with only ivy removal and a small amount of dead wood. Bags of sand at base to be relocated outside root place area.
Tree ID 4856 One lower lateral branch to be carefully removed back to secondary branch junction (approximately 6m from ground level).
Tree ID 4857 To be trimmed all over by up to 1m to improve shape.
Tree ID 4858 One lateral stem to be removed growing into garden.
Tree ID 4859 Trim by up to 1.5m to improve shape and give clearance to smaller street trees situated in Turney Road.
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