Calton Avenue, 91
Species and Location of Trees
T1. A Quince tree approximately 5m in height, situated centrally in the rear garden close to the property.
T2. A Liquidambar tree approximately 4.5m in height, situated to the left-hand side of (T1) above.
TG3. Hornbeams approximately 3.5m in height, situated at the end of the rear garden on the left-hand side (growing from neighbour’s fence).
Description of Approved Works
T1. Trim the outer growth reducing by up to 1m re-shaping as necessary and thin by up to 10% removing all dead wood in the process.
T2. Trim the lower crown on all sides and separate from the Quince. Upper growth to be left without pruning to enable it to grow above the Quince.
TG3. Overhanging growth to be trimmed on top and face to match the neighbours’ side and to maintain a hedge like style.
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