Casino Avenue, 90


Species and Location of Trees

Tree ID 4767      A Yucca tree approximately 4m in height, situated in the front garden.  The tree is in conflict with a Magnolia tree.

Tree ID 4768      A Yucca tree approximately 3m in height, situated in the front garden.  The tree is in conflict with a Magnolia tree.

Tree ID 4769      A Leyland Cypress tree approximately 13m in height, situated in the rear garden.

Description of Approved Works

Tree ID 4767      Sectional dismantle and stump grind.

Tree ID 4768      Sectional dismantle and stump grind.

Tree ID 4769      Sectional dismantle of stems and stump grind to facilitate replacement planting.

Details of Replacement Required

Tree ID 4767      As a condition of the removal of the above, a replacement tree is to be planted in a convenient location.  The tree does not have to be planted in the front garden and below are the three alternative species for consideration:

Amelanchia ‘Ballerina’                     (Serviceberry)

Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’             (Corkscrew Hazel)

Crataegus x prunifolia ‘Splendens’                                          (Slendens Broadleaved Cockspur Thorn)

The replacement tree is required by March 2026. although does not have to be situated within front garden. Tree to be installed as a minimum of either “Standard” or “Multistem” as defined within BS 3996-1:1992

Tree ID 4768      Tree ID 4767      As a condition of the removal of the above, a replacement tree is to be planted in a convenient location.  The tree does not have to be planted in the front garden and below are the three alternative species for consideration:

Amelanchia ‘Ballerina’                     (Serviceberry)

Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’             (Corkscrew Hazel)

Crataegus x prunifolia ‘Splendens’                                          (Slendens Broadleaved Cockspur Thorn)

The replacement tree is required by March 2026. although does not have to be situated within front garden. Tree to be installed as a minimum of either “Standard” or “Multistem” as defined within BS 3996-1:1992

Tree ID 4769      As a condition of the removal of the above, a replacement tree hedge is to be planted in the rear garden and below are the three alternative species for consideration:

Crataegus monogyna     (Hawthorn)

Prunus laurocerasus       (Cherry Laurel)

Fagus sylvatica                (Beech)

The replacement hedge required by March 2026 – to be installed as either “Feathered” or “half standards” in alignment with BS: 3936 – 1: 1992.



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