College Road, 41
Species and Location of Trees
T1. A Wild Plum tree approximately 9m in height, situated in the front garden close to the north end of the Coach House. The tree is a poor specimen.
T2. A Wild Plum tree approximately 6m in height, situated in the front garden close to the north end of the Coach House. The tree is leaning at an acute angle and is covered in Ivy.
T3. A Yew tree approximately 9m in height, situated in the front garden close to the north end of the Coach House. The tree is poorly shaped.
Description of Approved Works
T1. Remove and the roots grubbed out.
T2. Remove and the roots grubbed out.
T3. Remove and the stump ground out.
Details of Replacement Required
As a condition of the removals of the above, six replacement trees are to be planted in a suitable location nearby, the new trees should be incorporated in the landscape design and be planted with a minimum stem girth of between 14-16cm and at a minimum height of 3.5m.
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