Dulwich Wood Avenue, 26


Species and Location of Trees

T1.          Two Cedar trees approximately 15m in height, situated in the front garden.  The trees are a little dense and wide spreading.

T2.          A small Oak tree approximately 9m in height, situated within 1.50m of a mature Oak tree in the centre of the rear garden.

T3.          A multi-stemmed Sycamore tree approximately 10m in height, situated in the bottom left-hand corner of the rear garden.  The tree is a little dense and causing some damage to an adjacent retaining wall.

T4.          A Cherry tree in the region of 12m in height, situated in a central location to the right side of the rear garden.  The tree is leaning at an acute angle.

Description of Approved Works

T1.          Crown thin by 25% including the removal of dead wood and broken branches, low growing branches may be lifted to 5m above ground level and branches encroaching towards the house may be shortened by up to 20% by pruning at convenient growth points.  The height and basic shape should be retained.  It is important to prune branches at convenient growth points, rather than an all-round reduction or pollarding which is not permitted.

T2.          The smaller Oak closest to the property may be removed by felling at ground level.

T3.         Remove and the roots grubbed out.

T4.          Remove and the stump ground out.

Details of Replacement Required

As a condition of the removals of the above, replacement evergreen trees are to be planted to screen the flats to the rear and below are the alternative species for consideration:

Arbutus unedo                  (Strawberry tree)

Quercus ilex                       (Holm Oak)

Ilex aquifolium                  (Holly)



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