Great Brownings, 36


Species and Location of Trees

T1.          A Laurel bush approximately 5-6m in height, situated close to the property on the right-hand side of the front garden.

T2.          An Elder sapling approximately 4m in height, situated close to T1 above.

T3.          Self-sown Oak, Ash and Yew saplings under 2m in height situated in the front garden.

T4.          A twin-stemmed Yew tree approximately 7.5m in height, situated close to the path leading to Low Wood Cross Lane.

Description of Approved Works

T1.          Remove.

T2.          Remove.

T3.          Remove and the roots grubbed out.

T4.          Reduce all round by up to 2m and clipped to a more formal shape.  A third stem close to the steps down to the footpath is fairly small and should be removed at ground level.

Details of Replacement Required

Removals of the above are subject to a re-planting programme with similar shrubs and trees.



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