Village Way, 19


Species and Location of Trees

Tree ID 4850      A Sycamore tree approximately 17m in height, situated close to the southern boundary wall with no 24.


Tree ID 4851      A Turkey Oak tree approximately 29m in height, situated in the border to the south-western corner of the building.


Tree ID 4852      A Horse Chestnut tree approximately 17m in height, situated in the rear garden.

Description of Approved Works

Tree ID 4850      Tree in seemingly good health not requiring any pruning.  Importantly the Root plate area will need protection during the rebuilding of the adjacent wall with no dig area, no change in soil levels and no material storage.


Tree ID 4851      Some deadwood removal required.  Again the root plate area will need protection during the rebuilding of the adjacent wall with no dig area, no change in soil levels and no material storage.


Tree ID 4852      Low epicormic growth to be removed back to main stem (up to 3m above ground) also one higher stem (connected to main stem at about 5m in height) to be removed on the neighbours property side that’s overhanging the roof. The remaining growth to be trimmed to ensure a 3.5m clearance above the roof. Root plate area also to be protected when adjacent wall rebuilt with no dig area, no change in soil levels and no material storage.



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