How to apply for consent for building works
What information do I need to provide?
When you apply to carry out works to your property, you will need to provide the Scheme of Management Office with:
- a covering letter with a brief description of the proposals, with name, address and contact details of the freeholder, plus the architect and project manager if applicable.
- accurate single-sided existing plans and elevations, with title block showing address, date, scale and drawing number, in one combined .pdf document, no larger than A3 and a scale of not less than 1:100.
- all proposed demolitions, including tree removals must be outlined in blue.
- existing materials must be clearly labelled.
- existing ground levels must be clearly shown.
- the building lines of the adjacent properties must be shown.
- accurate single-sided proposed plans and elevations, with title block showing address, date, scale and drawing number, in one combined .pdf document, no larger than A3 and a scale of not less than 1:100.
- all new work shown on the plans and elevations must be dimensioned, including any proposed changes to ground levels.
- further details such as typical window frame/door details/dormer details will also be required.
- all new works should be outlined in red on the proposed drawings.
- all details of the proposed design and materials must be clearly shown.
- please indicate as a clear dotted line, the extent of any original structures on the plans and elevations so that the changes can be clearly identified.
- the building line of the adjacent properties must be shown.
- an A4 site location plan at a scale of 1:1250 with proposed works in red and a North point. The plan should show surrounding road names and door numbers clearly, together with substantial alterations to adjoining relevant properties which have taken place since publication. If you do not include this with your application, a charge of £36 will be added.
- supporting documents such as Design and Access statements, daylight studies and arboricultural reports should be provide as separate pdf files.
- site photographs should be included with your application.
If at any stage after validation, you are asked to supply additional information, or changes are made to the design, please re-submit the relevant combined pdf file with revised drawing numbers.
Please note, all applications are subject to a 3- week consultation process, during which neighbours and the advisory committee are consulted. The application process takes approximately 8-10 weeks. Please do not send payment with your application, we will advise you of the appropriate fee.
Applications should be emailed to
We have improved our processes to meet the growing demand in developments on the Estate and have introduced a two-stage licence process which ensures sympathetic development in the area. A permit for development will be issued once plans are agreed. Following a satisfactory inspection(s) by an Estate surveyor, a licence will be issued.
Minimum application fee
Extension (minimum charge)
Loft conversion (minimum charge)
Replacement windows and doors
Change a door, a window, a gate or fence
Add dormer window
Add roof light
Add solar energy panel
New drive or hard standing
Replacement of driveway material
Hard landscaping in rear garden
Garden building
Satellite dish
A new house or a swimming pool
Minor variations
To provide OS location plan
Reissuing/renewing lost licences
Retrospective applications
Double scale fee
Sales sign-off site inspection
Final consent inspection