College Road, 90
- Demolish existing two storey dwelling.
- New build two storey dwelling with loft accommodation.
- Rear garden building.
- New hardstanding and front garden landscaping including garden store to front garden.
Freehold licence issued, subject to the following conditions:
Condition 1: The side windows facing 88a are to have obscured glass.
Condition 2: Adequate evergreen planted screening is to be provided to protect neighbours' amenity.
Condition 3: The applicant must comply fully with the Party Wall Etc Act 1996.
Condition 4: A piled foundation is required to satisfy the tree consultant requirements. Roots are to be located by hand digging. No excavations within the root protection area are permitted.
Condition 5: Details of the side gate close to 88a are to be agreed with the neighbouring owner prior to commencement.
Condition 6: All skips, hoarding, Portaloo cabins, scaffolding, etc, should be contained within the freehold curtilage of 90 College Road.
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