Alterations to your home
Most residents will want to do some work to their property during the time they live in or own it. You are welcome to redecorate or make non-structural alterations, such as replacement of old kitchen units, without seeking consent from The Dulwich Estate.
However, if you wish to make any structural changes, or changes that will affect the external appearance of the building, you may need the consent of the Estate first. This can include, for example, installation of boiler flues, opening or widening doorways, removing walls and replacing windows.
For all of these, you will need a licence from the Estate before you can start work.
Our aim is to work with you to ensure any changes to property on the Estate are in keeping with the architectural integrity and full structure of the building. As a general guide, changes affecting the external appearance of a building should be on a like-for-like basis.
All alterations follow Scheme of Management guidelines. Find out whether consent is required.
Please respect your neighbours when carrying out noisy work and ensure work only takes place within the times specified in the licence.
Contact The Dulwich Estate Office to discuss any proposed works.
Application for building works
When you apply to carry out works to your property, please provide sufficient information to The Dulwich Estate office, so that we can process your request as soon as possible.
Use the checklist below to help you make sure you include the relevant information to increase the likelihood of first-time approval.
How to apply for a licence for:
Tree works
For advice on pruning or planting trees in amenity areas or your garden, read our full guidelines on tree works.
Fee guidance
If we are able to give consent, the following fees for review of application and issue of licences apply. Licences must be signed before works can start. The below fees do not include administration or consultant architect fees. These will be advised on submission of proposals, on a case by case basis.
Minimum application fee
Replacement windows and doors
Change a door or window
Internal structural alterations
Quoted on application
Skip licence
Flue licence
To provide OS location plan
Reissuing / renewing lost licences
Retrospective applications
Double scale fee