Celebrating 400 Years: Join the Village Easter egg hunt and art competition
13 March 2019Pick up an Easter egg hunt card from selected Dulwich Village shops and local primary schools during March.
Pick up an Easter egg hunt card from selected Dulwich Village shops and local primary schools during March. Children can draw, paint or use their art and craft skills to create an Easter egg design in the space on the card and then hand back to their school or post in the entry box in Green’s Village Toyshop. The deadline for entries is Friday 29 March. All the eggs will be displayed in participating shops in Dulwich Village from 12 - 28 April. Children can hunt for their egg and when they spot it, claim an Easter treat from the shop. The eggs will be judged by the Dulwich Picture Gallery and 5 winners in each age group (under 6 and 7 - 11 years) will win an art book from the Dulwich Picture Gallery and a voucher for Green’s Village Toyshop or Village Books.
The event is organised by the Dulwich Village Traders’ Association with the support of The Dulwich Estate and Dulwich Picture Gallery.

Dulwich Village Easter Egg Hunt
Pick up a card in selected Dulwich Villahe shops and return to Green's Village Toyshop by Friday 29th March.
Exhibition of eggs in Dulwich Village 12th-28th April