Message from our Chief Executive
23 June 2023I am delighted that the National Heritage Fund has recognised the huge importance of Sydenham Hill Woods and Dulwich Woods to the local natural habitat.

We look forward to working with all partners on an exciting new programme. Volunteers have always played an important role in maintaining our local green spaces and I wanted to take the chance to thank everyone who may have been involved in giving their time to the woodland maintenance programme run by London Wildlife Trust recently. There will be more of these coming up from September. Thanks to all who took part in No Mow May. You may have noticed deliberately wilder verges around the area, and our expert aboriculturist John Welton explains again here the benefits of this. As we go in to summer may I wish everyone, pupils and teachers, all the very best for the end of exam season and the weeks ahead.
Simone Crofton, Chief Executive