Rare flowers recorded during No Mow May

13 September 2024

New types of special flora are now growing on the amenity areas in Dulwich, according to an eco survey carried out for the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland.

Geoffrey Norman, South London Botanical Institute (SLBI) member and local resident who records wildflower species for the Society and monitors an area at Low Cross Wood, has found patches of Meadow Saxifrage and a colony of Bee Orchids at Sydenham Hill. Both species require further protection. They are currently on the Society’s Red List and therefore scarce and a focus for conservationists.

Norman explained that the No Mow May regime implemented by The Dulwich Estate, gave rarer plants time to grow to a point where they flowered and could be identified and then self seed. The Estate is committed to developing and expanding No Mow May next year and working with experts, to protect biodiversity across the Estate.