Trustee news - changes to the Board

06 December 2022

Dami Ayeko joins the Board of Trustees and and we say farewell to the Estate’s Chairman of Trustees.

Dami Ayeko joins the Board of Trustees

Dami Ayeko will be joining the Board of Trustees this month. She is a portfolio manager at British International Investment, the UK’s development finance institution. Dami has over 10 years’ experience in the financial services sector at Goldman Sachs and the Bank of England. She has a masters in maths from Imperial College, London and serves as co-opted governor for a school in Tower Hamlets. She was nominated by Central Foundation Schools London to be a Trustee for The Dulwich Estate.

Farewell to the Estate’s Chairman of Trustees

Outgoing Chairman of Trustees Andreas Köttering steps down at the end of this year and will be succeeded by deputy Chairman Irene Bishop. During his tenure Andreas has been generous with his time, wise with his advice, and clear with his vision. His work has resulted in stronger creative partnerships among the beneficiary family; modernised Estate governance and increased Board diversity. Everyone at The Dulwich Estate extends thanks for his work and wishes Andreas the very best as he reclaims his spare time.