Wild flowers in bloom

20 June 2024

More than 30 sites across the Dulwich Estate were left to grow during May and June as part of the Estate’s commitment to enhance biodiversity, including 800 meters along College Road.

The Estate joined national campaign No Mow May to boost habitat for local wildlife on road sides and residential estates, especially pollinating insects and birds.

The meadow flowers and grasses have been attracting insects like bees, beetles, grasshoppers, butterflies and moths. These in turn provide food for birds, bats and other animals.

The measures are part of a raft of Estate environmental schemes, including the restoration and extension of native hedges, creation of swales to manage runoff, installation of habit features such as deadwood piles and bug hotels and increasing the amount of wildflower meadow. Similar schemes are being discussed with leasehold managers at various schools and sports fields.